Friday, May 6, 2011

100 Word Description

I want each cube to begin compressed into the center of each model and then to explode out as the camera approaches from afar. As I walk around my models I want them to spin together, but also like spinning tops around themselves. I like the idea of them stopping and/or changing direction every now and then. As I close in on the biggest model in the center of the cross I want to enter inside it and then rise up into its middle. Looking out from inside this model I will see the cubes of the model I am in spin separately but also rotate as a group around me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Datum [49.7kb 300dpi]

Figure Ground [62.2kb 300dpi]

Hierarchy [58.5kb 300dpi]

Contrast [82.3kb 300dpi]

Proportion/Composition [94.9kb 300dpi]

Rhythm/Repetition [64.9kb 300dpi]

Symmetry/Asymmetry [93.5kb 300dpi]

Datum [64.4kb 300dpi]

Figure Ground [68.6kb 300dpi]

Hierarchy [62.6kb 300dpi]

Contrast [59.2kb 300dpi]

Proportion/Composition [95.2kb 300dpi], [95.2kb 300dpi]

Rhythm/Repetition [85.3kb 300dpi]

Symmetry/Asymmetry [98.1kb 300dpi]